Complaints & returns
Complaints & returns
Applies to a Customer who is a Consumer:
We are obliged to deliver goods free of defects. The statutory right of responsibility for defects of the sold thing (warranty for defects) applies within the scope of Article 556 and Articles 556[1]-556[3] et seq. of the Civil Code.
Complaints can be submitted:
- via e-mail to the address:
- or by using the contact form available on the Store's website.
The Store is not obliged to make refunds for digital products which are not recorded on a tangible medium.
In the case of exercising rights under the warranty - if we consider it necessary to process the complaint - you are obliged to deliver the defective goods at our expense to the postal address specified above. If, due to the nature of the goods or the way in which they are installed, delivery of the goods would be unreasonably difficult, you are obliged to make the goods available to us at the place where they are located. We are obliged to respond to the complaint immediately, no later than within 14 days of its submission.
We are liable under the warranty if a physical defect is discovered before the expiry of two years from the date of delivery of goods to you. If the object of sale is a used movable item, liability under the warranty is one year from the date of delivery.
When making a complaint, we recommend that you (1) provide information on the subject of the complaint, in particular, the type and date of occurrence of the defect; (2) specify the request for the removal of the defect (replacement of the goods for a new one, repair of the goods, reduction in price, withdrawal from the contract - if the defect is significant); and (3) provide contact details of the complainant - this will facilitate and speed up the processing of the complaint by the Store. The recommendations specified in the preceding sentence are only non-binding guidelines and in no way affect the effectiveness of complaints made without providing the recommended information.
Applies to a Customer who is not a Consumer:
In the case of a Sales Agreement concluded with a Customer who is not at the same time a Consumer, pursuant to Article 558 § 1 of the Civil Code, the liability of the Online Shop under warranty for defects in the Goods is excluded. This exclusion is ineffective in the case of malicious concealment of a defect by us